Sooooooo according to blogger I get 2,000 hits a month, which I have kind of been excited for. I feel like celebrating! When I hit 1,100 hits a month I asked Conrad what he would give me if I got 2,000 (thinking he would say, oh I don't know? Clean the house? Maybe a new Target shirt?) Wrong. let me quote, "five bucks" Really? ....Deal. SO I get $5. Better than nothing. Right? Well I know your dying to know what I'm going to spend it on. Right? right? Answer: you. I'm celebrating by sending you (that's where the $5 bucks comes into play) that Birthday sign that I made and put on ETSY (but never sold) NOT because it's not cute. I swear. Maybe I priced it a little too high? Who knows? Who cares, its yours:) Your welcome.
Just leave a comment and Kylie will pick the random winner on Tuesday.
Starting 30 for 30 tomorrow...