Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let's pretend...

You are a stewardess and these happen to be sitting on your plane. What to do, what to do!? I would give them extra peanuts.
We are home and feeling a bit claustrophobic in our 600 sq ft piggy bank but we sure are loving catching up with friends:) BUT missing my family like crazy. Side note: Kylie is supposed to be sleeping (it is 10:20) and she gets out of bed (not out of her room though) and says in a loud whisper, as to not wake the Babe, "Mom I'm going to throw up!" I loud whisper back "Then go throw up" She runs into the bathroom, finishes her business and hops back in bed. Ah Man she cracks me up. She does this at times, throws up in her mouth when she has the hick ups... what to do, what to do? Extra Peanut wont work this time...