Friday, April 8, 2011

some of this in that...

So last Saturday I lost my wallet. boo. Today I went in to see our apt manager to replace my key card. He said this has never happened and he wasn't sure how to replace it. What?! Are you kidding me. Are you saying in ten years not a single person has EVER lost their key? Wow, Midwestern must only accept REALLY responsible people. How did I manage to slip through the cracks? Ha but we got it taken care of and I am slowly recollecting the things I lost. Yeah for that! But seriously, boo for loosing my wallet:(

Today Kels graduates from BYU-Idaho. I am so proud of her. What. an. accomplishment. GO sis!!

I am getting ready for this multi-cultural thing we are going to tonight and Kylie yells "Who just made a cat on my carpet?" I'm like what? Sure enough I go into her room and Reese had spilled water on the carpet that looked just like a cat! I wasn't even mad, that is impressive.