Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

There was a quote given in church today that really stuck out to me. It talked about how important it is for us as women and mothers to be good examples, because that may be the only good example your children see that day. Is there ever a topic that gets your blood pumping and you get very passionate about? One of mine is motherhood. Motherhood is a sacred responsibility and something our Father in Heaven has trusted us as women with. It is a privilege and something I try to enjoy to the fullest. There are days that are frustrating, nights that are long, mornings that are too early but this sacred roll was given to us because of the qualities women were blessed with, like: a nurturing heart, sensitive feeling, femininity, tender touch and so on.  What a blessing it is to be a mother. I love this calling in my life and I pray that I can strive to be a better mother each day. I am so blessed to have amazing and righteous women in my life. My mother is a daily inspiration and the biggest cheerleader I have. I am thankful for her caring heart and strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful day it is to celebrate the mothers in our lives. Happy Mother's Day.