Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hilton's 1st camping trip

Before we headed out into the wild, wild wilderness we had a fun afternoon in Sedona,AZ. It reminds me a bit of Jackson Hole.

And here is the unveiling of THE HILTON CAMPSITE. Tada!
Conrad was livin his dream fishing with Kylie. Her first cast she reeled that little thing back in and said, "I didn't get one!"

The next day we went to Slide rock, which is on the the top ten swimming holes in the country. Here is Conrad and Kylie going down a natural water slide. What the heck are those kids doing?!!
                             Jumping off a tiny "cliff" as she calls it. Kylie was so proud of herself.

All in all we will go camping again but we will be staying in a hotel;) ha ha. but really. Reese did. not. sleep.