Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This and that

I forgot to put this picture up when I talked about my family coming for Thanksgiving and this happens to be one of my favorite pictures with my parents and my children. My kids are SO lucky to have them as their Nana and Bapa.

 A few months ago I was feeling so so so sick. Like I have never been this sick ever! It was not enjoyable. So my sweet friend came to pick Reese up for SEEL school and I caught a picture of Nixon running out to give Re a hug. XOXO
 So I was sick for like weeks! It was weird. Whenever the girls are sick I give them a silver tray (this one pictured) and try to pamper them like nobodies business! And it was so sweet how Kylie did just that to me! She was such a helper!
 We did manage to make our traditional sugar cookies for Valentines Day. This girl LOVES to bake!

 OK, so in Kylie's class they have fake money and you can bring something to sell to the other children for money and she decided to sell the SODA Explosion! Well, rumor has it that this is not a good item to sell at the class store because the principal got involved and vetoed it. Ooops!!
 We had a family night about our bodies.
 We had the letter X in SEEL school that week and we went eXploring.
 And looked at an X-ray of my sister because the day before she swallowed a bobby pin!
 Mmmm, this was around quite a bit over the winter. Man alive, I will sure miss freshly squeezed grapefruit juice!
 Nick and Mason stopping by for a little chicken fight:)
 She seriously loves baking!

 Valentines breakfast:
 Valentines Dinner: We have been eating outside quite a bit. I love that we do this.
 And our holiday painting was again a success with the girls!