Tuesday, August 5, 2014

BFF Party and Family Fun

 A few weeks before we moved we had the girls friends over for one last big play date. These girls are being missed madly right now. It's crazy how many of Kylie's friends had a sisters Reese's age. Ky and Re were so lucky to have such amazing friends so close.

That day they just played and made picture frames to remember Kylie and Reese:)

 Kylie turned 8!

 My grandparents drove all the way down from Utah to be at Kylie's baptism. They are the most wonderful selfless people and such amazing examples in my life.

They brought bubble guns that Nixon loved.
 The day of the baptism Ky and Re were pampered by Kels and Cara.
 My mom gave the most wonderful talk and talked about how "Out family is a covenant making people!" I love that! And my dad gave Kylie the Holy Ghost and Conrad baptized her. What a wonderful day!