Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reading and Watching the Scriptures

We have been reading and WATCHING the scriptures lately. The Mormon church came out with some amazing videos of the life of Christ. It is in chronological order starting with His birth. It has sparked some amazing questions from the girls and has helped all of us understand His life more fully. I have loved it. You can find the videos HERE
Kylie and I are getting ready for our Back-to-school dinner on Monday. This is The Hilton Family theme this year...

I just got put into Primary and made our new agenda. If you have any use for it, feel free!
Kylie started a necklace business. She designs all of her own artwork (with a little help from mom:) on Photoshop. She is really getting the hang of it. And it can be a beast. But these sure are adorbs!

Here are a few projects I wanted to remember: