The night before general conference Kylie could barely go to bed saying, I feel like its Christmas! They get so excited for general conference and our traditions while we listen to the words of a living prophet. After each session (there are 4) we do special things like make root beer floats, make suckers and the best one was going to Cranbrook with friends. We go walk Cranbrook most Sundays. It's a private school where Mitt and Ann Romney went to school. There are 316 acres of amazing sights. This is the Booth home, they were a big newspaper family in the 1920s.

In that tree the kids will play for hours on end, although I don't let them.... We like to pursue around the grounds.

All cozy getting ready to watch general conference. My favorite thing President Monson said was to just try and be a little better today than yesterday, be a bit more thoughtful and kinder. Sometimes simple things sure can be hard for me. So I love the reminders.