Sunday, October 4, 2015

Why I don't like homework

I do think there is a place for homework. Like reading everyday, if you want to call that homework. Or if you are behind in a subject, like Kylie doesn't know all her math facts yet so we have her do And also prepping for middle school or high school, to be in the habit of homework.

But when the girls are at school for 7 hours and only get to be home for 5 hours I seriously dislike the fact that they have homework.

Yesterday, Kylie brought home a dog book that she has been digging in. I mean sticky notes all over it, highlighting dogs she likes and dogs Conrad and I may also like. She then took us each aside and showed us pictures, read facts and tried to find the perfect dog for our family. THEN, she got her siblings together and made a power point presentation entitled 15 reasons we need a dog. It was pretty impressive, with drawings they had each made and even a picture of them all begging for a dog.

The day before that I took Kylie on a run with me. She has been riding her bike next to me and I love that time we have. While we were gone Reese got out our mini crockpot warmer. She threw in a whole slew of things and when we got home Kylie helped her tweak the concoction a bit and they made candy chocolate balls. After they were happy with how it turned out they wrote the recipe down and photocopied the recipes to give to their friends.

I'm actually not complaining about our school. The teachers are pretty prudent when it comes to handing out homework. But I wonder what creativity would be exposed if we (left the TV off) and set aside unnecessary homework?