We are renting a home with an empty apartment in the basement. Earlier this month, the owners came home early from their church mission because of COVID-19. They moved into the basement apartment. And we now share our yard and garden area. I get the feeling our sweet new friend is a master gardener. He has graciously let us shadow his gardening ways. The boys got to help burn the ditches yesterday, which was quite an experience. Lighting that tall dry grass ablaze had my heart skipping a beat.

Getting major Inspo from this photo The Every Mom
Taking this Quarantine time to really work on personal hobbies (or really hobbies I've always wanted and now I'm going after them), I was anxious to get started on the garden. It was tilled and ready for the next step: Leveling the soil and digging a ditch (or rather ditches!) for the irrigation water to reach the whole garden. This is a BIG garden.
We had a great start to our morning, finished homeschool and I was revved and ready to start on that garden. When I asked the kids, they were pretty "meh" about it and suggested we go to the river and play. And we did and it was lovely.
We got home and again I was excited to jump right into the garden. Baby was sleeping, I was ready. But instead of asking the kids I just went to work and slowly, one by one they joined me in the garden. Leveling the dirt and ditch digging. In that moment I felt peace, I felt love and so so much joy. I love these kids. I love to work with them. I love to play with them. I love to learn and grow and that is exactly what we will be doing this Summer in our garden.
The secret: If you want to get a project done try jumping into the project yourself and see if they follow.
Tips: They say "timing is everything" I think that was true for my story. We had a just had a fun river day, tummies were full and the sun was shining :)