Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A day at the Hilton's

 I want to document a day in our life each year (like my favorite blogger at 71toes) it will be fun to see how our life changes or stays simple!

Conrad usually leaves around 6:15 for work. Right now he is working in the MICU at Maricopa.
Reese and Nixon usually wake up around 7:15 and pull me out of bed. I wish I could get up earlier and bake a morning feast but for now its PRE homemade oatmeal:) Look how cute they are!!!

 So cute right?
 Kylile usually rolls out of bed at 7:30 and eats then her and Reese make their bed and get dressed and we do hair and we are out the door at 7:45! Busy 15 minutes!
 I take the kids to the gym from 8-9 from 9-12 its play time! Reese goes to SEEL school from 9-11, 2 days a week. The other days we got to the park, cook, zoo, visit Kylie for her lunch or play at home.

At 12 Nixon goes down for a nap and Reese gets to watch a show and I usually watch with her or take a nap or design.

At 1:45 or 2:45 depending on the day we hop in the bike and the kids in the bike trailer and go get Kylie. I LOVE this part of the day. It is my most favorite part of everyday. I want to always live within biking distance to my children s school because i love it that bad.

We get home at 3 most days and the babes get a snack and Kylie does homework, reads and the girls empty the dishwasher. We head to Gymnastics on Tuesdays or we will do play dates or ride to the library or have doughnuts at the park or go our favorite digger park or go to the Y and swim, but we really try to PLAY hard.

We slow down around 5:30 and eat around 6. Conrad is usually home around then. We eat as a family almost every single night, that is another of my most favorite parts of my day. We clear dishes together, do clean 10 and get ready for bed, baths, teeth and then we gather in the family room for scripture study. We usually are in bed by 7:30-7:45.

Then Conrad and I get to hang out. I really love this part of my day.

Sometimes Kylie gets to have special play dates with Colby and that is super exciting for them!