Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SEEL School

Seel School a few weeks ago went a little something like this:


 I remember drawing myself in 4th grade and I loved it! The girls had a great time doing this art activity.

 I have NO idea why they are all under the table, but I'm sure it was for some sort of educational purpose;)
 Nixon taking a picture of their T telephones!
So did you know you can stick a sharp stick through a balloon? The kids ate this up (I swear! The picture is when the newness died off:)
 But it was so cool with had to do it again,
 And again, and even again when dad got home!
 Reading time with dad is the BEST!
 I love how Kylie writes her name:) It totally reminds me of my mom. She always manages to sneak a heart in her name:)