Monday, May 19, 2014

Mother's Month

It's a darn good thing I take pictures because I forgot how spoiled I was in April! Let me tell you! It wasn't even Mothers Day or my birthday. I sure love this family of ours:)
Conrad took the girls on a date. Kylie finished up her Running Club and so we shelled out the new build-a-bear we bribed her with:)
 Kylie is really into making her fruit yogurt salad. It is my personal favorite. I don't have to beg very hard for her to whip this baby up!
 One day they made dinner for Conrad and I. Kylie really wanted to serve it wearing roller blades. I was impressed but very worried for my favorite white plates and goblets!
Reese made this special drink all by herself!
 They did such a great job presenting the food (seriously look at that plate) and the table decor was spot on! Nice work Reese!
 Cara came to suprise us and taught the girls how to make a fun polka dot cake!
 Another night Kylie and Reese drug our folding table into their room and decorated it and had a special bedtime snack for us. SO thoughtful!! They really set this up alone!
 Such a sweet note they hung for the occasion:)
 Night time train ride
 Marshmallow games:

 Kylies 2nd grade dino project
And the volcano to go with it:)
 Spring break. We did more than that trust me:)
 THe kids and our sitter decorated our kitchen for when Conrad matched his residency! So fun!

 They made dinner again. So sweet.

See how spoiled I was in April?!! I sure am blessed!