April (yes April) came with 2 birthdays and a whole slew of other things for us Hiltons.
Easter breakfast
Painting eggsNixon turned 2! We made a football pinata. He loved it. We love our little man. Most people think he is 3 because he speaks so well. He is so fun to communicate with because he is so expressive and super sweet.
When he gets mad at someone (usually Reese) He will tell her "Big trouble", He loves riding the 4 wheeler but he calls it the 3 wheeler, When he doesn't want to do something he says ,"I'm too hot", When he gets in trouble he has to sit in his room until he can say with a smile "happy heart" This melts mine when he says it! We love you Nix!
Baseball cake
2 years. Messy face and no pants!
We wrote notes to our dear friend Nate who was paralyzed in a bicycle accident. You can learn more about his story Here Kylie's note was so sweet, the things she knows and shares at this age just blows my mind.
I had my SEEL school girls write their name on the first day of school and the last day of school on the same piece of paper. It was so fun to see how much they have progressed!
Our sweet, darling, beautiful Reese. The light was just so perfect as I walked into my room one day. She was just looking out the window. So I grabbed my camera and snapped away! Instead of saying, "yeah" She says "sha" its darling.
One morning I woke Kylie up at 5 am and we went over to the Gilbert temple to take baptism pictures and on our way home we got doughnuts. I think this is my new tradition when all our children turn 8.