Friday, January 8, 2021

Preschool Jan week 1

I was looking for a little more structure in our day for Crew (4) and Ell (2). Pooling from our favorite resources (Linda and Richard Eyre 12 Values to Teach your kids, Marlene Peterson Well Educated Heart, Waldorf method and some darling songs you can download for free HERE ) I came up with this: 

 Preschool Curriculum 


Topic: Honesty

Post and recite daily: Honesty with all, including self. My inner strength and confidence will grow as I am truthful, trustworthy and show integrity. Integrity is consistently being honest in all that I do. 

Game to play: True Not True Game// Ask questions: The sky is green, This is my leg, Cats are bigger than houses, grass is green, Eggs come from horses, take a piece of candy and say I didn’t take it. Praise them for correct answers. Now,  I picked up a dollar and say I didn’t find a dollar, etc

Feelings Game// Talk about how it is good and important to tell people how you honestly feel. Get a magazine and flip through the pictures and point to faces asking “How do they feel?” “Why do you think that” “Is that okay?”

Value Song: My Dad (pg. 211) + Jesus Once was a Little Child (pg. 55)

Stories: Libraries of Hope: Stories that Teach Values (Honesty chapters). Read the same story for a week. Maybe craft about it or draw pictures.


Daily Rhythm

Weather Walk (all weather) 

Circle time

Calendar (Good and Beautiful days of the week and month songs), value story, value song, math (January: patterns) Recite value (we are trying to memorize it so we take a line a day and jump off a bar stool each time we repeat it and I fly him back to the stool)


Activity Loop

 Cut veggies, CES bread making*, quinoa bowls, craft


Quiet time

Reese took the kids on their weather walk today.

Click HERE to see the cutest months of the year song and they also have a darling days of the week song but my kids love the Aadams family song LOL

All week we have been doing patterns with anything that we are playing with- this last approximately 3-4 minutes. Calico critter, car, calico critter, car. Jump, clap, jump, clap.

All week I told the story of the farmer and the soldiers from the Well Educated Heart Values Book. We would act it out, act it out with animals, and today we painted it and Crew retold the story in his own words. I started a "Crew's Values Book" Each week we will add a new story painting to his book.

Parenting Hack: Give our little ones little attention when they lie. Praise when they tell the truth. 

Repetition in songs and stories is a great thing at this age.

Keep it simple. If you do just one thing in the rotation feel good about life!

Ideas and Books used from: Teaching your children Values by Linda and Richard Eyre, LDS Children’s Song book, Libraries of Hope: Stories that Teach Values (the stories in this book go along with the values in Teaching you children Values) It is a free download or buy it for $14 on

*Clean Simple Eats Wheat Bread Recipe  

  • 4 cups Wheat Flour
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. Quick Rising Yeast
  • 1 1/2 tsp. Sea Salt
  • 1/3 cup Raw Honey
  • 1 1/2 Tbs. Olive Oil
  • 2 cups warm water


*You don't have to proof this yeast in water, which is really nice. 


  1. Stir the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add the wet ingredients and mix for one minute. Dough should be slightly sticky. If dry, add a little more water. If it’s too sticky to handle, add a little more flour. 
  2. Knead the dough for 5 minutes in a bread mixer, Kitchenaid stand mixer using the hook attachment or knead with your hands. 
  3. Turn the dough out and then split into two equal portions. Form into round balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover with a lightweight dish towel and let rise for 25 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  4. Score the top of each loaf with a sharp knife. Bake for 22-25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool.