Crew loves to memorize the value memory lines by reciting a small part and then jumping off the barrel on to the couch. I would say its working quite nicely as he has all but the last line memorized.
He LOVES listening to the song My Dad and him and Elle have memorized most of that. They also LOVE listening to the month and days of the week songs from Good and Beautiful.
Crew has been doing some pretty fun simple patterns with candy and clapping and anything we find that holds his attention for 2 minutes.
And LOTS of playtime:
Preschool Curriculum
Topic: Honesty
Value Memory lines: Honesty with all, including self. My inner strength and confidence will grow as I am truthful, trustworthy and show integrity. Integrity is consistently being honest in all that I do.
Game to play: True Not True Game// Ask questions: The sky is green, This is my leg, Cats are bigger than houses, grass is green, Eggs come from horses, take a piece of candy and say I didn’t take it. Praise them for correct answers. Now, I picked up a dollar and say I didn’t find a dollar, etc
Feelings Game// Talk about how it is good and important to tell people how you honestly feel. Get a magazine and flip through the pictures and point to faces asking “How do they feel?” “Why do you think that” “Is that okay?”
Value Song: My Dad (pg. 211) + Jesus Once was a Little Child (pg. 55)
Stories: Libraries of Hope: Stories that Teach Values (Honesty chapters). Read the same story for a week. Maybe craft about it or draw pictures.
Daily Rhythm
Weather Walk (all weather) We didn't get to this, this week but we did ski.
Circle time:
Calendar (Good and Beautiful days of the week and month songs), value story, value song, math (January: patterns) Recite value (we are trying to memorize it so we take a line a day and jump off a bar stool each time we repeat it and I fly him back to the stool) Book time
Activity Loop
Cut veggies, CES bread making
Quiet time (We didn't get to this either!)