Thursday, July 23, 2020

Nixon's Baptism and Crew turns 4!!

Nixon turned 8 April 23rd and he was baptized on Crew's 4th birthday, May 28th. It was a day we will not forget. I am so proud of Nixon and the kid that he is. He is consciously building his relationship with God and trying to become better each day. He looks for ways to serve his sister, help Crew and is always eager to play with Elle. Nixon is good at math, an excellent speller and is very into whittling and making fires. He loves hiking, snow skiing and being outside.
Crew man is our firecracker! Crew is BUSY. They say 4 year olds ask 100 questions a day and this is SO true for Crew. He loves working in the garden with Mr. Lynn, checking on the animals, playing with Nixon, making movies with Kylie, playing animals with Reese and running with Elle. Crew has a big heart and always tells me he loves me a google.
Crew jumped out of bed and opened his gift, a wheel barrel+shovel+a working hat. He wanted a "working birthday" to be like Mr. Lynn, our neighbor. 
Kylie decorated this adorable cake for Crew.

We drove to North Arm and walked down the path to the perfect little spot to baptize Nixon. We have been scouting out a spot in the river for weeks. 

I love this photo!! Nixon becoming a member of Jesus Christ church.

We are so thankful for our supportive family.