Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fossil Creek

Last weekend we took a little jaunt up North. After the 2 hour drive on a regular road we got to a dirt road that we were on for an hour. It was a little bumpy but it was worth what was waiting for us. The hike was just a mile each way and this little beauty hiked or ran the whole way!

As soon as we got to the water we stopped for lunch. Oh heavens it was so pretty. Can I tell you how much I love my family and nature. So, to have my family in nature, it is like the best thing ever!

This is how Nixon rode the whole way... Sorry bad picture!

After crossing 3 bridges and walking a beautiful mile we got to the waterfall!

Look at that blue water! The picture doesn't do it justice.
We brought some goggles and we were diving down and checking out the fishes. You could easily see  under the water. It was super cold but both girls took the plunge many times. I love how adventurous Reese is getting.

Top of the falls...

We found this little rock slide that Conrad was taking the girls down.

After we did the rope swing we headed back home on the bumpy road but this time the road was super muddy from a storm that hit it. And we saw SO many accidents and then the Suburban got a flat tire! The rims are custom so we didn't have anything to change it. After waiting, and praying, 3 hours later our tire man came to our rescue. We were deflated when he said he didn't have the right socket to get the rims off but after some good ole' ingenuity he hammered another socked onto the bolt and got off our tire! We finally made it home and I'm not so sure I want to go back because of how scary that road was but of course Conrad is ready to roll:)