Thursday, October 3, 2013

Our system

This is our new punch card system. So far, we have been doing it for 5 weeks and it has been really motivating for the girls. I love that I just say, "Did you get your punches?" And not have to nag, "Did you make your bed? Did you read for 30 min? Did you do your chores?" 

So here is the deal. If they get all the punches (but really just Kylie because Reese is still in training) they both get a prize at the end of the week. We have done all sorts of prizes like: baking a special treat on Sunday, bringing a smore bar to a camp out, special movie, etc.
If they (Kylie) misses up to 2 punches she can memorize a scripture to earn back her punches.
So each day they are to do the following:
-room tidy and make bed before they leave for school
-empty the dishwasher or do a chore
-read for 30 min
Easy peezy! But man oh man it sure makes my day easier!