Wednesday, October 2, 2013

S.E.E.L School

Man alive, I have so much to catch up on with SEEL school! So here is a start:
We did the letter E. First we wrote E's on our eggs then we painted eggs:
 Our art project turned out amazing! I gave each girl a foam sheet and they laid tape all over it then painted it. After it was pretty dry we peeled off the tape to see their art masterpieces!
 Nixon even got in on the painting action.
 I love the concentration and smiles:)
 I loved how they turned out!
 Then we caught bubbles in our nets.
 And we EXPLORED for letter E's placed all over the living room.
Painting our E's outside with paintbrushes and water.
 And just like clock work we end with music makers. They love it and are really learning the songs! I love how they sing along!!