Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sunday Talk

I love how our church gives kids the opportunity to speak in front of an audience. In fact, last Sunday Kylie walked up and spoke a few memorized lines in front of our congregation of 300 and a few weeks ago she gave a talk in front of her primary of maybe 40 teachers and kids. Conrad really urged her to just go up with out any notes and speak from her heart, and that's exactly what she did. Although Kylie and I did write a talk together and she read over that puppy quite a few times before the big day... Here is that talk we came up with (but she went up there with nothing! I could NEVER do that!!):

I know Heavenly Father hears and answers my prayers.
When I was little my Nana gave me a beautiful wallet. It was blue with colorful beads and had a pink zipper.

 I keep my money in my wallet. Yesterday I had $59 in my wallet.
Yesterday we went to the store and I brought my wallet. We went right to the toys and started playing. Then after a while we walked around the store and then it was time to go. I stopped and remembered my wallet. I had left it somewhere but couldn't remember where. We ran to the toys to try and find it. I didn't see it.
We ran to the car to find it. I didn't see it.

I asked my mom if we could pray. Right there in the parking lot we bowed our heads and I said a prayer. I thanked heavenly father for the beautiful day and asked him to help me find my wallet.
After we said amen, I ran inside the store to the toy section and found my wallet. With all $59.

I know Heavenly Father hears me and he loves me.
I know Heavenly Father hears YOU and he loves You.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

(She brought up those props, her wallet and pretend money.)