Friday, January 10, 2014

For heavnes sakes! Its been a while!

I have so much to catch up on here on this blog. I want to document every little detail so I can remember and my kids can remember and our parents can know what we are up to and how big their "grand darlings" (as my mom puts it:) are getting. But, I know every detail isn't possible but something is better that nothing, right?

I want to remember the crazy deals I get at Last Chance. Oh how I will miss this store.
 I want to remember all the amazing friends we have here and how LUCKY I am to photograph some of them! Including my family, my parents and sisters:)

 I want to remember how fun it is to make homemade gifts.

 And this barbie set I scored at Goodwill and fixed up for the girls for Christmas.
 I want to remember how tired Conrad and I were the night before "Christmas" (not the real day, we had it early because we went to Montana) So we tried to wrap the gifts but as you can see it didn't really happen all the way:) But seriously look at that wrap job. Oh heavens!
 But they don't care.
 At all.
 I want to remember all the amazing friends Kylie has been so blessed to have. I hope one day she will get to be roommates at BYU with some of them so they can dress up like twins again and be silly:)
I love being a mom. I love how I get to be there at all the cross roads, when they leave for school and have play dates, dress up and have a fashion show, get 1st place or 6th, mix up their words and start to say new ones. I am so blessed.