Monday, February 3, 2014

The Turtle

These were taken right when we had gotten back from our summer travels. And when I saw them it reminded me of a story I didn't document, actually I barley blogged this summer and there are so many stories I'll need to put on here at some point. But here is this one:
When we were in Texas we met Ashley and her babes and her SIL's for a play date at a really amazing park. When we pulled in we saw the biggest turtle we had EVER seen. The kids thought it was so cool so they ran over to it and Kylie picked it up. (Whoops, in general we now don't pick up wild animals) And Nixon started sticking his fingers into its shell head hole (which we also now don't do). At this point Ash's SIL says, "Um you better be careful that turtle will bite!" And just then sure enough the turtle bit Nixon's finger and Nixon screamed and flung his hand through the air with the turtle still attached. Conrad ran over there trying to pry the mouth of the turtle open but it was clamped down. Finally after what seemed like forever the turtle let go and scurried off. Nixon came out totally fine but man alive we sure learned our lesson of not sticking our fingers in turtles head holes.