Monday, January 13, 2014


My parents came to visit for Thanksgiving and we had such a wonderful time. My mom made the girls matching jammies to go with their cabbage patch dolls. She is so dang talented!
 My sisters took my girls out for a date to paint pottery. I am so lucky my girls have such amazing women in their lives to look up too.

 This is how the neighborhood kids communicate.
 Kylie loves setting up puppet shows, teaching times or any kind of class for the kids.
 Kelsey gave us the idea to keep homeless bags in our car. So the kids and I put them together with food and water and we keep them in the burb for when we see a homeless person.The kids have LOVED it.
Our first time we got to hand a bag out, we had to drive by the street corner 3 times in order to time the stoplight to be stopped by the homeless man. But then he wasn't looking at us so we kinda had to toss it his way and it startled him but I'm sure he was thankful once he realized what it was:)
 Lets check out those cute bags the girls decorated for them:)
 Reese has been loving art project that I can explain step by step. This was a easy one, the end of a celery bunch.
 And we got to paint our Thanksgiving paintings too.

 Kylie's first running meet she came in 6th in her age group! The kids all run a 1 mile course. We were so proud of her! Her last meet she came in 3rd place! (More on that later)