Tuesday, June 30, 2020

April Update

April started out with a virtual cupcake wars that the girls hosted. These are their cupcakes:)

So much playing together and reading. They always seem to gravitate to the same room.
Homeschool was truly a blessing in our home.

Some of Conrads extra protection during COVID.
Kylie has been watercoloring the cutest cards.

General Conference 2020

Gardening has been a big part of our quarantine lifestyle

One thing I miss so much from Detroit is the Caldean food. So I tried making meat pies.

A super simple busy toddler project.

Lots of care during these first months of gardening.

Easter without Dad:(
Oldest and youngest

Easter morning I woke the kids up before sunrise, we got to chat about what it would have been like to be Mary and get to the empty tomb.